'Children's Mental Health - what can be done to help?'

'Children's Mental Health - what can be done to help?'

'Children's Mental Health - what can be done to help?'

Vitmedics CEO Mike Wakeman the Chair of the Guild of Health Writers is hosted a talk 'Children's Mental Health - what can be done to help?'

With Professor Sir Sam Etherington and Place2Be National Charity, Kate Middleton as Patron - Watch via Link. 

Find out from those engaged on the front line…

According to a survey of over half a million children (The Big Ask, Children’s Commissioner for England, Sept 2021) 20% of children in England are unhappy with their mental health, making it the top issue for children today. This is backed up by the latest NHS Digital data (2020) which found that 1 in 6 children and young people now have a diagnosable mental health problem, compared to 1 in 9 in 2017.

As an organisation that works with hundreds of primary and secondary schools across the UK, Place2Be has heard first-hand from countless parents and carers who are worried about their children’s mental health. The charity is now developing a range of support for families, including its Parenting Smart website and a specialist programme to help parents to develop their skills and confidence.

In a panel discussion chaired by Professor Sir Sam Everington, you will hear from the charity’s Chief Executive and Family Programme Lead, as well as a Parent whose child has received support from Place2Be.

The panellists will cover:

  • The national picture: Concerns we’ve heard from parents, both during and before the pandemic
  • How the charity is responding: advice and resources for parents and carers, as well as children themselves
  • First-hand experience: from a parent whose child was supported by Place2Be


If you are unable to watch the discussion please follow this youtube link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhgbVFkIDXY